Bec Applebee

About Bec

I was brought up in Cornwall and went to College in Liverpool and I have continued to train throughout my career. Working first and foremost as an Actor for over 30 yrs,

I am an experienced Theatre Director, Workshop leader and Producer with a keen interest in physical theatre and story telling: Working with an ensemble, promoting women in the work place and creating interesting teams.

I am a Traditional Cornish folk musician and singer with over 25 years of experience.

For over 5 years I am an Associate lecturer at Falmouth University.

Being based in Cornwall I would say that my career path has been unconventional.

Early Days

I started out as founder member of Bedlam Theatre cooperative who’s philosophy was to create accessible family shows throughout Cornwall using song , shadow play and acrobatics.

I spent my formative years as a core member of Kneehigh Theatre. working with Artistic Directors Mike Shepherd, Bill Mitchell and Emma Rice. Kneehigh’s dynamic and rigorous approach to creating work meant that we had to develop a very eclectic and versatile approach to performing.
We worked with devising , ensemble , ‘The Fool’; training physically, using music, song, poetry and scripts to build shows with the Story at the centre . Being a part of this vibrant , robust, uniquely Cornish style of performance that developed during the 80’s and 90’s has continues to influence the industry and my own approach to work to the present day.

Local and International Touring

I have performed with some of Cornwall’s foremost and ground-breaking companies which include Kneehigh Theatre, Wildworks, Goldentree Productions, Cousin Jack’s Theatre.

My theatre work has taken me around the world to a wide variety of countries and communities including America, Malta, China, Syria , Cyprus and throughout Europe. I have worked with local Communities in spaces such as a deserted Taverna on the Green line in Cyprus and with local children in the school halls in the townships of Soweto in South Africa.

I was an actor and performance director for Bill Mitchell at the inception of Wildworks Theatre that specialises in Site specific theatre

I have experience of performing solo in ‘Oh Mary!‘ as well as being part of a large multinational ensemble The Tosta Banda performing on stages and in venues as diverse as the National Theatre to school halls in the township of Soweto.

I feel privileged to have worked as a core member of some of the Uk’s most prestigious and ground breaking theatre companies.


After becoming a Mum in 2005 I changed direction reducing international and international touring with other companies and concentrated on producing and creating my work more locally in Cornwall and the South West region as Bec Applebee Presents:


As a Singer and Musician I have been involved in the regeneration of traditional Cornish music and dance with bands Dalla, Didjan and Skillywidden for over 25 years, more recently representing Cornwall as a Kernewek singer with the Tosta Banda in Donostia – St Sebastion for their City of Culture in 2016.